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Join us for the massive 3 day & night celebration of the genre. Synonymous with drum & bass, and renowned for off-the-scale production, Let It Roll ticks over into another massive year.
A: I've have been making songs & beats since I'm 12 years old. I have some really bad stuff I made at 11 when I was learning FL Studio 3 but 12 is when I started leasing beats on Soundclick & MySpace & things were sounding good enough to rap on.
F: For about 10 years, started off making trap and hip hop beats for my friends and the last 2 years been producing house :)
-What do you use to make your tracks?
A: Have been with FL Studio since the beginning.
F: I work on FL studio.
-How and when did you first discover Dirtybird?
A: In 2013 , I moved to Phoenix to try and make producing Hip Hop full time happen and I had a day job in an office to pay the bills. That year I discovered what it felt like to hear House music in a club because the city had cool nights like that . At that office, I had a couple older Chicago & Detroit OG friends that schooled me on the labels I needed to listen to.
F: I believe it was Hard Summer 2015 at a after party when Shiba San was playing.
-Which Dirtybird artist would you want to collaborate with the most?
A: One time I played another artist a pretty weird 2-step song I had made and his first reaction was "Sounds like something Justin Martin would play in a set" and I thought it was interesting. I'd say that could lead to something dope.
F: i would say Will Clarke & Kill Frenzy both have really intriguing style beats. Very inspirational when i hear something new from both of them.
-If your entire life was a movie, what title would best describe you?
A: I spent way too much time on this question as I'm a cinephile and wanted to drop some cult reference flex but I'm going to keep it personal and musical . Fade To Black. It's a Jay Z documentary , it shows the intimate recording sessions he had while making The Black Album. For that album he worked with all my original music production heroes : The Neptunes, Kanye West, Timbaland, Just Blaze, Rick Rubin , 9th Wonder & more . This movie means a lot to me because it's all my biggest influences in one place which is in some ways a lot like what I try to do with my own music.
F: 12 Monkeys.
-What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
A: Vans Warped Tour when I was 7. My childhood was all punk & skate so when the tour came in my town I begged my dad to take me . I wanted to dye my hair and we instead agreed on a wallet chain. I ended up being the youngest kid at the festival sporting merch from the artists so security let us backstage. I met tons of my heroes & spent a long while kicking it with Rancid who were my favorite band . Everyone was the chillest to me & it was as an awesome day.
F: Hard Summer DOTD 2015.
-If you could time travel, where and when would you go?
A: I'm enjoying the present but I would totally still use that dope power to try and remember my life's biggest unsolved mystery then go and witness it & finally know exactly what happened.
F: The 80’s to anywhere Freestyle beats are playing.
-What species of bird best describes you and why?
A: Geococcyx specifically Roadrunner from Looney Tunes because the only thing I do as much as making music is run.
F: Shoebill, because we are the same Height.
-What does Dirtybird mean to you?
A: 3 years ahead of mainstream.
F: Starting of something new for me from a label that has made a huge impact in the bay area for 10+ years. Definitely a huge accomplishment for me .
At the Ocean Film Festival World Tour our vision is to inspire you to explore, respect, enjoy, and protect our oceans. The film is at the heart of the Ocean Film Festival World Tour and we aim to share the best films from around the globe with our audiences.
Each year the Ocean Film Festival World Tour will screen over 2 hours of the most inspirational, educational and entertaining films related to the ocean from independent filmmakers from around the globe.
The Ocean Film Festival World Tour includes a unique selection of films of varying lengths and styles covering topics such as the oceanic environment, marine creatures, ocean-related sports, coastal cultures and ocean lovers.
Music video by Benjamin Wallfisch performing Benjamin Wallfish: Recording the Hellboy Score. (C) 2019 Summit Entertainment, LLC and Millennium Media, Inc., under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.