R'HA - Futuristic Sci-Fi student Film Turning into Hollywood FILM. by 22...
In a futuristic world where a member of the R'Ha race is held accountable for defending his planets against an oncoming threat. Is this the end?
Kaleb Lechowski, creator and director of the short R'Ha, is seeing almost immediate fruits for his labor, as a trio of established filmmakers will help him turn that short into a full feature. Rick McCallum, the former head of Lucasfilm and producer of the recent Star Wars trilogy, is boarding the feature as producer, making it his first sci-fi project since leaving the George Lucas fold.
R'HA (2013) | Animation - SciFi/Action
Produced at Mediadesign Hochschule (http://mediadesign.de)
Representation by Scott Glassgold / IAM Entertainment (scottglassgold@iamsports-ent.com)
Film Page: www.facebook.com/rha.movie
CREDITS: Directed / Written / Animated by Kaleb Lechowski (http://kaleblechowski.tumblr.com), Sound by Hartmut Zeller (http://hartmutzeller.de),
Voice acting by Dave Masterson (http://imdb.com/name/nm2717717)
On this day February 5th 2014. I Kaleb Lechowski grant/give Madcap Media Inc. / Mad Artist Publishing non-exclusive permission to promote, screen, broadcast, exhibit the artwork/websites and other materials associated with the short film "R'ha" on their online and offline promotion venues that include publishing titles, digital ebooks, video materials, social channels: FB / Twitter / Pinterest / Others channels. I understand my name, contact information, artwork and film screenshots may be used and displayed in online and offline promotional and advertising campaigns by Madcap Media Inc. / Mad Artist Publishing and their third party affiliates in non solicitory way.