Sunday, August 4, 2024

Apashe The Vanguard Orlando 7/27/2024

 July 27th 2024  Apashe Music Live! A packed corner with a line wrapping around the block outside The Vanguard Orlando a quarter past Eleven PM. It was clear Florida was waiting for Apashe no matter what. People on the outdoor balconies shouting out and waving to friends in eager anticipation for Apashe. 

Security was tight. Orlando PD on site making sure all was well on a busy Saturday night at The Vanguard. Upon entry it was clear that Apashe was the hot ticket in town as there was not much room left in the venue. Fans shoulder to shoulder patiently awaiting the headliner. 


Apashe took the stage and the audience went crazy! The Majestic Squad was deep! A masterful stage show ensued with flawless visuals. Apashe featuring his music videos and meticulous visuals delivering a grandiose stage presentation. The audience danced as much as one could. 

The audience was fully engaged with Apashe belting out lyrics and vibing high in spite of  some disheartening venue characteristics. Attendees were constantly scrambling, clawing over one another grab a quick glimpse of the show….
I spoke with one VIP ticket holder that purchased a ticket outside of the 2nd tier balcony as he watched the small TV monitor, he paid $350 for the table and was offered no view of Apashe. 


Unfortunately The Vanguard set up is designed to completely choke out the audiences ability to enjoy the show. VIP on the 2nd tier completely encapsulates the 2nd floor. Security guards guarded the entrances keep onlookers out while very small groups of people monopolized very large spaces. Small tv’s strewn about so the crowd goers could see what was happening on stage. The first floor pit area has a low lying drop ceiling so most could not see the stage at all. Security kept the stair case clear scolding people who tried to catch a peak of the show on the stair case. To 3rd tier ticket holders surprise there was no 3rd tier 😧 


It’s very sad that an artist that is so connected to his fans was  misrepresented by what I can only perceive as a greedy venue. Dishonest business practices. Misleading ticket sales and poor visibility. Apashe deserves better and so does his fans. Everyone had a pretty positive attitude in spite of the venue realities. The show was still a good time because Apashe is a class act that delivers a one of a kind audio visual display. Hopefully Apashe will be in the Vegas Sphere one day because he deserves to be. 

I personally have blogged some of the most historic venues in the United States as well as the Brooklyn Mirage etc, etc…. The Vanguard is certainly not that and could learn a thing or two from real venues not focused on ripping off customers. I would not go back to The Vanguard personally. Esthetically it’s not an ideal venue period. Especially if you are interested in watching a show. The venue is deliberately shutting patrons out of viewing the stage. 

I will however go anywhere to see Apashe! Apashe most of the time performs in iconic venues and unfortunately Florida is limited in this capacity. That said I loved it in spite of the venue. 
Majestic Squad out!


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