Tuesday, November 24, 2015

10 Ways To Ruin Your Own Video

1. Putting yourself in your own video.

    We know, everyone tells you you're "fire" and your mom is your biggest fan! Time to record a video and let the world know how talented you are. Just because you rap, produce, or DJ does not mean you are an actor or have "stage presence". Try to tell a story. Include characters or images that support the track.  Artists trying to be "center -of -attention" will not go far... This tactic is out-of date and looks cheesy to the audience. Become known for your body of work.

2. Including drugs, alcohol and peoples butt cracks in said videos!

   We heard you are the biggest baller on the block! All the girls want to twerk for your new video. You must be full of swag! YOLO right? WRONG!!!! You are distracting your audience from your talent by focusing on  elements that don't matter. Do not "dumb- down" your talent by being "average" take the necessary steps to effectively get your message across without ruining your video in the process.

3. Your track  has a weak beat with no rhythm. The beats you have are out-dated and a basic 2 step beat....

    You cannot produce music with a slow 1990 two step! Please stop! If you do not know what a basic two step beat is you should give it all up here and now!

4.  You failed to engage your audience in less than 5 seconds.

  I understand that you feel that 2 minute silence in the beginning was necessary but it was not and you ruined your video. Your audience has already clicked on another link. Use the first 5 seconds to grab your audience.

5. Bloody videos filled with gore!

  The majority of normal people hate blood so please stop! Only sickos look at disgusting images all day. If you want to have limited audience than go for it!

6.  Presenting an unauthentic image of yourself.

 If you are 4ft1 inch tall and claim to be 6ft1' your audience will know and eyes will roll! Be yourself. Present an honest image and portray yourself in  a believable light.

7. Not showing support to those sharing your music.

 Talk about sawing off your nose despite your face! Artists should like & share their own content as much as possible. After all, artists are ONLY as good as the last track they put out. If you actively DO NOT support your music being shared it may not be shared again. Show support and receive support. The artists that like and share receive sizable increases in views. Liked, shared or re-tweeted posts do the best amongst viewers.

8. Not promoting your  new video.

  How is the world sappose to know you have new music out when you are not promoting your work?
Make sure social media accounts are established so fans can tag you! Followers can follow you etc...

9. Allowing label execs to water-down and ruin your edge and talent  with gimmicky , watered-down music for mainstream.

  I see this everyday. I don't care who you are or how popular you are. I will replace you with a new "underground' artist in a heartbeat. Some of these popular artists get too big for their britches! Popularity does not ensure long gevity!

10. Marking your video "PRIVATE" seriously WTF????

   I have had several popular artists mark videos "private" post release and that is pretty much murdering your video and burying it! Why? Maybe they did this by accident/ who knows. CHECK YOUR WORK!

-----  Bella Bass Fly



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