iTunes: http://hospi.tl/recognisealbumitunes
Hospital Shop: http://hospi.tl/recognisealbum
Pursuing a rapid ascension to D&B's top table since signing to Hospital, Fred V & Grafix have quickly become one of the most talked about acts in the scene. Having remixed top 10 hits for Rudimental and Subfocus, and released a string of singles and tracks on Hospital, they now present their debut long player. An ambitious and consummate development of the sound they have become know for, built on a solid foundation of D&B beats. The album combines their love for live music, weighty sub bass and creative collaborations with newschool vocalists and producers.
With prodigious song-writing, epic musicality and dancefloor sensibility, "Recognise" eschews the predictable structure of todays identikit D&B. Simultaneously intellectual and effortless, it's a breath of fresh air that builds on the success of Fred V & Grafix previous releases and includes "Major Happy" and "We Are 18" favourite "Catch My Breath".
Video by Produced by Emanuel Köll, Christopher Lettner,
Director: Christoper Lettner
Director of Photography: Emanuel Köll
Vfx : Paulus Summer, Emanuel Köll
Gaffer: Mike Mlango
1Ac:Jakop Grill Marc Jodt Alex Beitz Kerstin Enne Lauren Klocker
Electrician: Lauren Klocker Marko Weiss Christoph Götz Skander Kourgli Verena Mühling
AD: Bene Missmann
PA: Skander Kourgli
Props: Valentin Huber
Key Grip: Paulus Summer Max Povacs
3D Artist: Alex Ahmad.
Supportet By : -SAE Vienna -Wanna Be Epic - Cinema Camera Rental- -Ostlicht Galerie - http://www.ostlicht.at -Amerlinggymnasium -Flughafen Krems http://www.airfield-krems.eu -Morrison Club Viennahttp://www.morissonclub.at -Cafe go west http://www.cafe-gowest.at -Matos Vienna
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